Z Tree Lopping Not a Job for Amateurs
Tree Lopping Not a Job for Amateurs
It seems to be part of the psyche of the average homeowner that, if a job needs doing around the house, everyone wants to be a handyman, even when they are not particularly handy. Weekend hospital casualty wards have their share, every weekend, of gashes, crushes, fractures and other equally nasty injuries to treat, often caused by inexperience or carelessness when doing odd jobs around the home. Most of the time a few stitches, some antibiotics and a good talking to by long suffering medical staff is the outcome, but sometimes the injuries can be debilitating, causing loss of income and in the worst cases, loss of life.
One of the most frequent causes of injury in a domestic environment results from householders doing their own tree lopping Brisbane. This is an activity that generates more than one hazard, and the risk of injury increases in proportion to the height the householder climbs to remove the offending limbs.
The most obvious hazard in this dangerous activity is that of falling from a height. Most householders don’t have fall arresting equipment or quality safety ladders, and attempt the job using a household ladder and a saw. Hanging off an unstable ladder a couple of metres off the ground is dangerous enough, but the saw introduces a second potential cause of serious injury.
The most efficient and potentially dangerous type of saw used in tree lopping is a chain saw. This particular tool is such a safety hazard in a workplace that local government authorities run special chain saw safety courses for their workers. It’s amazing then, that householders with little experience and no training will risk their safety at the top of a ladder with a lethal weapon in their grasp.
Lopping mature trees in a suburban area is a job that should only be performed by experts. Professional arborists are highly trained and experienced to perform this work with least risk to themselves and others. They have safety and climbing equipment, they look for live overhead wires, and they are experts at handling chain saws and other lopping equipment.
Professional tree removal Brisbane companies are also fully insured so that, on the rare occasion something goes amiss, any damage is covered. They also understand how to estimate where the lopped branches will fall, to minimise any risk to people or property. Pre-work checks of equipment and ongoing maintenance also ensure they are work safe ready.
Lopping branches or removing trees is not a simple task. While it’s clear that anyone with a ladder and a saw can do it, the outcome may not be worth the perceived savings if something goes wrong. A chain saw can sever a limb, a fall can result in paraplegia and injuring an innocent bystander can be a financial and emotional nightmare. Call in a professional.